Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chocolate Scam!

I wonder, does Hershey's REALLY not think we'll see through the sale of their new "Air Delight" chocolate bar,  as not being a scam? A chocolate bar full of air holes, to give us LESS chocolate for the same money????

BAD idea Hershey's!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Strong people

I wonder if most people realize that the difference between strong people and weak people is this:

When something bad happens to a weak person, they figuratively go into the bathroom and lie on the floor pounding their hands and feet and crying until someone hears and comes and helps them up.

When something bad happens to a "strong" person, they figuratively go into the bathroom and lie on the floor pounding their hands and feet and crying until they eventually pick themselves up.

Monday, December 19, 2011

River of time

I wonder if, at this pre holiday time of year, anyone else feels like they are in a river of time, carrying them along to do things and to destinations they have to prepare for but do not really want to do or go to.